The Lost Society II
The Plight of Low-wage Workers
by Kelvin Shaw
The Present
In today’s society, there is a lot of talk about companies down sizing, the plight of social security (the lack of), medicare, and the need for people to shore up their retirement account if they even have one. All the bad news of these situations is enough to give anyone a panic attach especially if you are an employee with a low paying job.
The Plight
For low-income earners just having a savings and a checking account with more than a fair amount of funds in them is next to impossible when everything they earn goes toward just trying to maintain a roof over their head and food on the table to feed themselves and possibly a family. It can be done but not with one job.
The low-income earner must find a second job, or have a spouse or partner who is also bringing in additional income from at least another low-income job or better. Even with a second job, there still is not enough money to provide for themselves and/or their family.
In the working world, employers will not come to you and tell you how you can increase your income quickly within the company you work for; therefore, it is solely up to you to figure out how you can earn more within your company or outside the company. Given this situation, retirement accounts and income is the least of the low-income earner’s worries. However, it should be the paramount thought of the low-wage earner. Without a substantial income increase, the future of the low-wage earner is very bleak. It is for this reason why I run a home-based business so I can shore up my retirement income for me and my family and why I passionately write about home-based business, entrepreneurialism, and low-wage earners. In short, starting a home-based business can be an income redeeming feature for low-wage earners. Starting a home-based business is much easier to start with the proliferation of good to great Network Marketing (Direct Selling) companies around and making it easier for anyone to get started with their company.
The Solution
The industrial age way of finding work and earning a living is on its way out the door. The information age is becoming a beacon for creating income-earning opportunities. Anyone can take advantage of this new age (Information Age) of earning income and earning a living. Jobs and great positions in companies are not as secure as they once were many years ago. Therefore, employees today must take their income security into their own hands. It is more serious for low-wage earners to be highly concerned about the security of their future. Multimillionaires and billionaires like Robert Kiyoski and Donald Trump are concerned about your future. However, they can do nothing about it if you do not care enough to do something about it. Financial gurus and authors like Jennifer Openshaw, Susan Orman, and David Bach as well as others have created systems to help the middle class of society to shore up their retirement income and future. Their books and systems should be in everyone’s hands that care enough to secure their income and future.
Today most financial gurus and authors talk about ways the middle class can become millionaires by using (owning) their home (Real Estate), paying down their debt, increasing their 401k contributions and other retirement accounts. All this information and the systems they create to assist the middle class earners is great and very useful to the middle class earners. However, for the low-income earner all this information could have been written in a foreign language. It is more like a financial code that seems impossible for low-wage earners to break.
When new businesses and opportunities is created, it is the middle class and the rich who benefits the most from these new endeavors since they are the target markets for these new ventures. Whereas the low-wage earners benefits by having more low-wage jobs that they can get that may provide a little more income. The move from their current job or the addition of a new job with the venture is comparable to jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. The creation of new jobs with the mental of the industrial age entrepreneur is good for society since it provides jobs. However, if there are many low paying positions then these jobs need to be used to launch the low-wage earner’s rise to financial success and freedom. In other words, use them to launch your own home-based business.
Financial Education
When financial gurus and authors create or write about new systems and ways for increasing ones income and securing their future low-wage earners need to learn their system, get all their information and use and adapt them to their current financial situation. You may not be able to implement their system the way they are presenting it to you but if you can use just one idea of theirs to help your financial situation you will be better off than you were before. However, you should keep seeking and learning more about managing your finances via these financial gurus and authors. I am sure that you will find the majority of them if not all of them mention starting your own business after all business owners gets the best tax breaks. Employees pay the majority of the taxes. Financial freedom is impossible for those who are just employees of some company.
The Conclusion
In today’s Information age, low paying jobs need to be used to jump-start low-wage earner’s rise to financial freedom. The road and tools for financial freedom are Real Estate (own your own home), current job with retirement savings accounts (401ks, IRAs, etc.), and owning your own business. Low-wage jobs are the foundation for the success of the Industrial age minded employer. This is why most employers will protect, prevent, low-wage earners from learning about Network Marketing (Direct Selling) opportunities. However, this is not protecting the worker it is the prevention of the low-wage worker from learning about a life changing opportunity. It is for them, low-wage earners, which I will passionately write for and sincerely help to change the plight of the low-income earners worldwide.
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